District or Charter School Name | Scott County School District 1 |
Section One: Delivery of Learning
Describe how you will deliver continuous learning opportunities for all students, including special student populations.
We are delivering continuous learning opportunities for all students through Google Classroom and packets if students do not have wi-fi. Each of our certified special education staff is expected to maintain a log of all services and supports provided to their students. They are providing a blend of learning packets, assigning online educational sites, utilizing online curriculum, and doing regular check ins via Dojo or Google Classroom/Google Meet. They have been encouraged to set up some classroom time through Google Meet to allow students to see one another. ELL/ESL students are receiving online instruction and support as well. Special education teachers are collaborating with general education teachers to modify lessons and help with accomodations.
Describe how your district communicates expectations for continuous learning implementation to 1. ) students, 2.) families, and 3.) staff.
Students-District and school Facebook. Email, Google Classroom, School Reach Calls. Staff- District and school Facebook. Email, Google Classroom, School Reach Calls. Families-STI Grades, District and Local Facebook, School Reach Calls.
Describe student access to academic instruction, resources, and supports during continuous learning.
Every student has a device and charger. Surveys were given to gather data to find out what students didn’t have wi-fi access so that we could accommodate and keep track of this. For these students we have paper packets that they can pick up from various locations and access points throughout our county. This was communicated through Google Classroom, social media, school reach, etc.,. Staff will be available for support from 9-11am and 12-3pm through Google Classroom and email. They are answering questions, creating videos, and making phone calls to touch base with our students and provide support. We have also set up Google Classroom through our counseling offices as well in case students need support. We are making sure not only are we covering academic instruction but all support services including emotional support to our students during this time.
What equipment and tools are available to staff and students to enable your continuous learning plan? Please list.
Every student and staff have a Chromebook or Macbook along with a charger. We are using Google Classroom as our LMS to deliver instruction and information. We are using email, school reach, and social media to communicate with our families as well. We are offering printed material for those that do not have access to the Internet.
Describe how educators and support staff are expected to connect with students and families on an ongoing basis.
Our staff is communicating daily with students through Google Classroom and support staff (counseling) provides academic and emotional support and communication through Google Classroom as well. Staff has access to our SIS and can contact parents via phone or email. We also use Remind, ICU database (keeping track of missing assignments), and office staff to help reach out to students with any issues or problems. We have daily contact with homeroom students so that every student is being contacted through telephone and we are touching base to make sure their basic needs are being met as well. We are also utilizing Google Meet to make that face to face interaction. |
Describe your method for providing timely and meaningful academic feedback to students.
We are providing timely and meaningful academic feedback through email and Google Classroom daily from staff members. Office staff will contact students to make sure they have what they need to be successful. We are putting grades in our SIS so that students are being able to keep track and check this. Parents are also receiving phone calls from teachers when assignments are incomplete and we are keeping track of this.
Section Two: Achievement and Attendance
Does your continuous learning plan provide an avenue for students to earn high school credits? If so, describe the approach.
Yes. Instruction will continue online until May 1st through the use of Google Classroom and packets (if needed). Students will complete the coursework and staff will assign grades as before. |
Describe your attendance policy for continuous learning.
Attendance is taken daily based upon a daily check-in question/bell ringer through Google Classroom. Staff will add student names to a list if they do not check in and we are checking in with students through email, phone, and school reach to notify and touch base. We are diligent about making sure students are completing work and not just checking in daily. We are then entering these into our SIS. |
Describe your long-term goals to address skill gaps for the remainder of the school year.
End instruction on May 1st to give students 4 weeks to complete all assigned work. Staff will be available to provide support for the students that did not complete the work. When we return to school, a formative assessment will be administered based upon these results students would be placed in intervention groups based upon needs. Our revised instructional framework will also include a "catch up" time for core classes.
Section Three: Staff Development
Describe your professional development plan for continuous learning.
Professional development will be sent out through Google Classroom, email, and will include several Zoom sessions. The sessions will center around providing online instruction. A staff Google Classroom was also created for all staff members per building to maintain information, professional development and keeping everyone on the same page. |